Stephanie Peters & Troy Rainbow

The Alibi


June 2017





Jul 2017

Gallery 2

The Alibi

Stephanie Peters & Troy Rainbow


June 2017





July 2017

Gallery 2

‘The Alibi’ is an audio-visual interactive podcast by artists Stephanie Peters & Troy Rainbow of the Stargazed Art Collective. Through the use of sensor technology, webcams, found objects, sound art and video art, this ‘The Alibi’ plunges you deep into the mind of the armchair investigator – an archetype popularised by podcasts such as Serial, Truth & Justice and Bowraville and the ultimate conduit of egalitarian ideals. Through this exhibition, Stephanie and Troy contend that is human nature to shape narratives to our own benefits in a way that dehumanises victims and turns them into entertainment. Confirmation bias has led us down paths of echo chambers and solidified us in our subjective realities. In a post-truth context, we no longer trust experts. We only trust what we feel to be correct. So what if the narrative changes depending on your position in relation to the evidence?

‘The Alibi’ is an audio-visual interactive podcast by artists Stephanie Peters & Troy Rainbow of the Stargazed Art Collective. Through the use of sensor technology, webcams, found objects, sound art and video art, this ‘The Alibi’ plunges you deep into the mind of the armchair investigator – an archetype popularised by podcasts such as Serial, Truth & Justice and Bowraville and the ultimate conduit of egalitarian ideals. Through this exhibition, Stephanie and Troy contend that is human nature to shape narratives to our own benefits in a way that dehumanises victims and turns them into entertainment. Confirmation bias has led us down paths of echo chambers and solidified us in our subjective realities. In a post-truth context, we no longer trust experts. We only trust what we feel to be correct. So what if the narrative changes depending on your position in relation to the evidence?

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