Chloe Stevens and Virginia Overell

“Promenade Health Spa”


July 2011





Aug 2011

“Promenade Health Spa”

Chloe Stevens and Virginia Overell


July 2011





August 2011

The Promenade Health Spa, a reflexology path that will stimulate organ systems and align your spine. The effect these paths have on the senses has been compared to climbing a jagged rock face with bare hands. The Project Space will function as a palate cleanser between Galleries 1 and 2 activating the viewer to be aware of, and focus on their body and its alignments, something that isn’t often engaged with in our daily activities. The effect of the rocks on our body is mirrored by the effect of our body on the rocks. Wear will be documented.

The Promenade Health Spa, a reflexology path that will stimulate organ systems and align your spine. The effect these paths have on the senses has been compared to climbing a jagged rock face with bare hands. The Project Space will function as a palate cleanser between Galleries 1 and 2 activating the viewer to be aware of, and focus on their body and its alignments, something that isn’t often engaged with in our daily activities. The effect of the rocks on our body is mirrored by the effect of our body on the rocks. Wear will be documented.

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